We've had bad runs of results in recent years. The start of the 2008-09 season was disastrous with only 2 draws in the first 9 games, then a similar pattern the following season
The real becnhmark horor show was just over a decade ago when, after beating Ross County 2-1 at Gayfeld on 21st December, we went the next 18 games winless (and with only two draws)
We've got to stop the slide
Runs of games without a win
- November-December 2009: 9 without a win (2 drawn)
- August-Sept 2008 : 9 without a win (2 draws)
- Auust-October 2005: 7 without a win (3 draws)
- July-August 2004: 9 without win (1 draw)
- February-March 2004 7 without a win (3 draws)
- August- Sept 2002: 7 without a win (3 draws
- Dec 2002-May 03 18 without a win (2 draws) R
- November-December 2002: 9 without a win (1 draw) R