The Board of Arbroath Football Club met on Wednesday evening 11th July to further discuss the present crisis in Scottish football and the impending Special General Meeting of the Scottish Football League Clubs on Friday the 13th of July.
After considerable and careful deliberation, that had also taken place over many previous meetings, the Club reached the decision that it cannot support a proposal for Rangers Newco to be directly admitted to Division 1 of the Scottish Football League and that sporting integrity must be upheld. We are however in support of entry to the Scottish Football League in Division 3 for next season.
The Club is extremely grateful to the large number of stakeholders and supporters who took time to contact the Club and express their views, which we felt very important in assisting us to make an extremely difficult judgement.
In reaching our decision, Arbroath Football Club is fully aware of the possible financial implications and therefore wishes to take this opportunity to stress the importance of supporting the Club at this time and in the future.
Finally, Arbroath Football Club wishes to acknowledge the considerable efforts being made by David Longmuir and the Scottish Football League Management Committee in representation of the 30 Clubs during these difficult times
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